How To Repurpose Your Podcast Episodes (and save time!)

One of the biggest reasons that people tell me they haven't quite started yet with their own podcast is time, which I'm sure you can all relate to. People think that it's going to be just another thing that they have to do when they're already manically busy trying to fit in all the things like:

  • Blog posts

  • Emails

  • Facebook lives

  • Instagram lives

  • Client calls 

  • Admin

  • And more !!

Rather than thinking of your podcast as something extra you've got to do, we're going to reframe that and think of your podcast as being at the center and heart of your business. We can do this through a very simple model that’s going to save you a ton of time and energy and it's going to feel much simpler for you.

There are many different ways to repurpose your content but we're going to focus on seven, in particular, these are:

  • Blogs 

  • Facebook/Instagram lives

  • Social media posts

  • Courses and programs

  • Memberships

  • Books

  • YouTube

Blog Posts

You can actually create a blog directly from your podcast episode by using a transcription service, getting your episodes transcribed very quickly, simply and inexpensively. Some of my favourites include Rev and Zubtitles. You may have to tweak a few words here or there if you speak quickly or have a thick accent, but it's going to give you 90% of what you're going to need for that blog post. So rather than producing a blog post and a podcast episode and everything else in your business, your episode actually becomes your blog each week.

Facebook Lives:

To save even more time, if you’re brave, while you're recording your podcast episode, you can also be video recording yourself whilst live on Facebook or Instagram. Or each week that your episodes are published, you can go live on your page/group and talk about that particular episode on a live stream by highlighting the key aspects. For example, what listeners will learn or if you’re having any guests on.

Social Media Posts:

You’ve got so many opportunities to create posts for your social media through your podcast, including on: 

  • Instagram

  • Facebook

  • LinkedIn

  • Pinterest

You can extract an audio clip from the episode and embed it into social media posts via apps such as and what they will do is create a post for you that has an embedded piece of audio from your episode, like a juicy bit of your show.

You could also use a quote from the guests that you've had on an episode and make this into  post. also uses Zog titles to caption those videos, so when people scroll on social media they can read the audio rather than having to click and listen to it. is great too, as you can highlight certain sections to make them into social media posts by using the time stamp feature. From a 20 to 30 minute episode, you can probably create 20 to 30 different social media posts!

Courses & Programmes

When you start to grow your podcast listenership, they're going to start to tell you what they want to hear more of and reach out to you. Have a look at your podcast statistics as this is free market research for the start of your course. Your ideal listeners are tuning into that show every week in week out and they see you creating all this amazing content for them for free, and they're gonna think, well, what the heck am I going to get if I pay for something? This is really going to help you to figure out what the content should be inside your courses and program. Be guided by your listeners and create what they want!


There are lots of different memberships available online and there are lots of podcasters that have memberships because it works incredibly well. If you think of your podcast as the very top of your sales funnel, you can use your podcast as a way to attract more people into your memberships, the same as with courses. You can start to create membership content based on what your listeners are interested in listening and learning from you.


Lots of online businesses want to create a book that's going to help them promote their business, which is a fantastic idea. For instance Carrie Green, who started her podcast before she launched her book, in particular to help drive book sales. She read excerpts from the book and interviewed guests on the show. So if you're thinking of writing a book, think about launching your podcast before your book to grow an audience to actually buy the book!


The final aspect is Youtube. If you've already got a YouTube channel, you can actually extract the audio from your videos to create your podcast episodes. An example of this is Marie Forleo, Marie TV on YouTube. She’ll extract the audio and put it into a podcast and let listeners know they’re listening to the podcast version and can head to her Youtube to watch too, driving traffic to there. 

You can use software like Camtasia for example, and extract the audio, edit it and put it into a podcast. So all of those YouTube videos that you've already got, you can repurpose them into a podcast and vice versa.

If you don't have a YouTube channel or a podcast and you can actually video record yourself, recording your episodes, or if you don't particularly like to be on video, you can have a plain screen with text running across the screen. It is nice to show your face though!

As people don’t tend to commonly watch 50/60 minute long videos, you could split one podcast episode into four, five or even six different videos. All you would need to do is create an intro and an outro and put some subtitles onto the screen, which you can get done on and then pop those up onto YouTube!


To summarize, blog posts, Facebook/ Instagram lives, social media posts, courses and programs, memberships, books and YouTube are great ways that you can get content out to your audience. This is how a podcast can be at the center of everything you do in your business and there are so many opportunities for you to repurpose that content.

If you’ve still not started your podcast yet, you can download your Free Start Your Podcast Checklist here to help you! 

You can also join my Facebook group, the Podcasting For Business Community where there are thousands of entrepreneurs and brands just like you who want to learn how to start a podcast!


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